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Helping to make roads safer with

National Dash Cam Safety Portal Privacy Policy & Terms of Use
- You may use the NDSP to upload footage from any dash cam , action camera, mobile phone or any other type of camera from any manufacturer.
- Please note Section 10 (Uploading content to our site) and Section 11 (Rights you licence) in our Website Terms of Use do NOT apply to this tool. Nextbase do not have access to see any videos uploaded or any of the personal information provided when submitting an incident.
- Videos and Witness Statements uploaded and creating this tool are only viewable by the Police force to which they are submitted.
- Please also see Egress’ Privacy Policy which is linked to at the bottom of the witness statement form.
- This portal is provided free of charge by Nextbase to all users and The Police.
Frequently Asked Questions
The National Dash Cam Safety Portal (NDSP) is a response to the ever-increasing submissions of video and photographic evidence from members of the public in relation to witnessed driving offences. It has been setup with the aim of reducing road accidents and making the UK’s roads safer.
You can submit any type of footage, whether it is filmed on a Dash Cam, mobile phone or any other device – regardless of where it was filmed. In and out of a car, from a building’s window, as long as it relates to the case that you are submitting, it is good to be submitted.
The police have always received complaints from members of the public about dangerous and anti-social driving. The NDSP has simply brought the process of reporting these incidents into the 21st century.
Whilst the police endeavour to ensure that our roads are safe for all to use, there will always be occasions when dangerous driving occurs without a police officer being present. This process simply facilitates the reporting of these incidents, should a witness choose to do so.
NDSP caters for a broad range of road incidents including dangerous driving, using a mobile phone, driving without due care and attention, careless driving, overtaking on solid white lines, not in proper control, traffic light contravention or any other road traffic offence provided it is clearly made out in the submitted media.
Early indications suggest that on average only 1 to 2% of all reported offences result in a trial actually being run in court. There are other disposal methods available such as a driver improvement course or the acceptance of a fixed penalty notice.
If however on the very rare occasion the offence which you report necessitates your attendance in court, then you will be fully supported through the process.
The footage and statement will be carefully reviewed by a police officer who will decide which, if any offences are made out, whilst taking regard of the incident as a whole. Subsequent decisions on disposal options will then be taken in accordance with CPS charging standards.
The options are, No Further Action, Driver Education Course, Fixed Penalty Notice, Summons to Court.
Ideally the date and time would be correct, but don’t forget that the video footage is used to support your written witness statement. If the time/date stamp in your video is incorrect, it is not an issue provided you refer to this in your statement.
For example: “The date and time stamp displayed in the video/photograph is incorrect. This incident happened at 3pm on Thursday 12th April 2018”
Yes, provided that an offence has been committed, Cyclists are very vunerable on our roads.